Samstag, 11. Juni 2011

High Sierra

Der Abschnitt von Kennedy Meadows bis Keararge Pass hat uns wie erwartet eine kalte Erfahrung beschert. Seit dem Rekordjahr von 1983 hat es nicht mehr so viel Schnee in der Sierra gegeben. Da inzwischen die Temperaturn steigen, schmilzt es in den tieferen Lagen wie verrueckt. So mussten wir die Sierra vorzeitig ueber den Kearsarge Pass verlassen, da die auftauenden Fluesse eine zu grosse Gefahr darstellen.

As expected the High Sierra has been a cold experience. Since 1983 there has not been as much snow as this year. Unfortunately we have found the melting rivers to be a too high of a risk at this time and we have left the mountains for now over the Kearsarge Pass.

View to the Owens Valley Desert

Working on the De La Cour Ranch

Endless path through the melting snow

keep the balance on the icy slope

last steep steps up Forester Pass, 13000 ft elevation

climbed the highest point of the journey !!!

endless way down from the Pass

hazardous melting lakes and streams can be that beautiful

finding a safe way around the melting lakes

leaving the Siearra over Keararge Pass

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